Latest set of posters for the Energimolla venue in Kongsberg, Norway. This time we opted to make a virtue out of the press photos that agents send promoters for their acts. I reduced the press shots to high contrast black and white and then added a single bold colour to give the set a uniform feel and make them stand out among the countless gig posters that use a promo photo of the band concerned. That's the plan anyway.
A2 sized poster for the upcoming Savoy Grand European dates. They're listed here: Savoy Grand are in the midst of what rock biographers will retrospectively call their "Pig Period": Glitterhouse Records.
Some new illustration and layout work I've just completed for the band Fire Chief 5. They gave me a brief to come up with something that had the feel of the future, albeit 30 years ago. They sent me a series of images to give an indication of feel that included some early computer ads, the old BBC2 logo and some road sign fonts. Somehow this translated as a loose tribute to the awesome Russian packaging design of the 1960s and 1970s. The camera images are ink drawings converted to single colours and they broke my brain but I think the final thing hangs together very nicely. If I say so myself.
Christmas Covers 2009 was splendid fun all round. When I get chance I'll upload many videos to You Tube but in the meantime here's something to mist your eyes:
Brainwashed's End Of Year Poll results are in here: Clickety-click
Not only does the this-is-pretty-good-but-I-really-wish-it-was-better-I-mean-how-hard-can-it-be? Om record God Is Good make it to number 4 in the Top 10 Albums Of 2009 but Brainwashed reader Anthony D'Amico has this to say about Bellini's The Precious Prize Of Gravity:
"All I remember about this album is that I put it on for a couple minutes, shrugged, and turned it off."
THE HORSE LOOM Northumbrian guitarist and singer Steve Malley would doubtless be extremely embarrassed to read that anyone had called him a 'genius'. That says a lot. It's also one of the reasons why he might well be one. Steve played guitar in Crane in the early 90s, whose post-Husker Du take on The Byrds-meets-DC hardcore earned them a deserving reputation as one of the UK's finest live bands. He would go on to play in Kodiak, Four Frame and then most notably The Unit Ama. The Unit Ama's deconstructed take on rock music was extremely impassioned and almost spiritual at times in direct contrast to the more cold and calculated approach of peers indebted to the USA bands of the time. The Horse Loom sees Steve take this free and beautiful approach and apply to it to his love of British folk music to create wonderful acoustic songs that interweave his surprisingly tender vocals with his truly incredible guitar style that recalls Davy Graham or Bert Jansch at their finest. He's someone who has never stopped amazing us with his output and we think he'll amaze you too.